It's been about 6 weeks of rain now broken with only a few decent days in Northern Cook County, MN, with floods yesterday, and NO FUN at all for puppies. Of course puppies make fun where they can find it, so one good quilt has two holes dug in it, chewies are being devoured by the boxes full, Roxie is being tormented, and playing "Ring Around the Car Instead of Getting In" seemed like a good game yesterday morning with Mom standing in a raging downpour, then on hands and knees begging Wonder to jump in her crate with the treat and chewies so we could drive to Thunder Bay to meet our new vet. And she looked so pretty on my bed just moments before I discovered the quilt holes and began preparing to leave for a day in Canada, so at least my image of her is this one, it's not the real Wonder. She's 6 months old here, Surrey Hill's Kentucky Wonder. In a week we go to Arizona, and she can wonder what happened to the rain!
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