Rosie is a local favorite along the little road I live on. Probably the last of the "running free" dogs, as her mistress says even our little country road is getting too busy to be safe for loose dogs. Rosie has been lucky enough to live her life at her Mom's resort on the North Shore of Lake Superior, where she goes from cabin to cabin begging for toast and pancakes from the visitors, and telling them she loves them more than anyone else. Rosie used to run the 1.5 mile road daily with her owner, and with her favorite people. Probably the ones with the most treats:) She actually ran about 15 miles each trip as there was a lot of hunting to be done along the way, but as she has grown older I see her trot or walk the road about twice a day. On arriving back home, she is well known for plopping herself down on the warm road and forcing drivers to go around her, giving the evil eye to tourists who unknowingly dare to honk at her as one might do elsewhere. The rest of us just roll down the window, exchange greetings, and politely go around Rosie. This is a small acrylic painting, just 8" x 8".
Hey Susan!! You're a blogger too I see!!!
How the heck did you get people I stalk up on yours? Are you not worried about giving out info... you must know more about this than I do..... sk
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