Saturday, December 22, 2007

My Winter Home

Here is my winter home, this December of 2007, on the shores of Lake Superior, waaaaaay past Duluth donchaknow, almost to
Canada, where it's downright COLD most of the winter.


Anonymous said...

OMG! What a beautiful home! No wonder you enjoy this area so much. What a perfect place for you and your poochies! J.

luffman said...

"Hi, Susan!" says Squeak.

I was just browsing the web and found you here from Mark's website. We are having fun in Arizona. It has been nice weather so far this spring. Not too hot yet. Look out though! It will be hot enough really soon. Mark and Tina are going to Baltimore this weekend, so I get to go with Tiffany to Phoenix to stay with Coco who lives with Mark's Mom and Dad in Peoria, AZ.

Wesley is getting married in Chicago this July 6th and they will be traveling again. Wesley just graduated from Moody Bible College in Chicago a couple of weeks ago. Ben is in Florida with the Navy and will graduate from Diving school at the end of June.

There is a lot more going on, but they don't really tell me anything! :-)

Arf, Arf!
Love, Squeak

luffman said...

Arf, Arf! Squeak here!
Just wanted to say hi and let you know that the Summer and Fall have been beautiful here in Arizona. Mark and Tina are keeping me happy with new toys and daily treats. I can roll over and turn circles for a treat! I can always go out in the back yard and bark and scratch the fence at the two Great Danes that live next door. Write back and let me know how you are doing if you have a chance. And remember to never pass up a chance to take a nap!!!

Love, Squeak
Arf, Arf!