Last weekend my father, his children, his grandchildren, his great grand children and his friends celebrated his 90th birthday. Lest it sound like a somber affair of old people and decrepitness, it was in the grand tradition of lots of drink, lots of stories, lots of great food, and many tributes to the Patriarch of our family, including a wonderful poster made up by my youngest sister, portraying my Dad in the position of Tony Soprano. We all had buttons with pictures of Dad from age 10 to 90 to choose from to wear, and a most amazing cake with an airbrushed portrait of Dad on the frosting. My Whippets were in attendance, and somehow we got a decent picture of Dad with his five children. A splendid party, good stories from old hunting and trap shooting buddies of times forgotten by the youngest party goers, or never known by some. Lorelei and Chuck Delaney were in attendance, owners of Armstrong Kennels, and the Annual Game Fair in Anoka. Lorelei one of the trap shooting buddies who went on to World Renown for her skill. Dad was the president of Minnesota Ducks Unlimited, made trips to the Artic Circle, supplied the snow geese for wildlife artist Francis Lee Jacques' dioramas at the Bell Museum at the University of Minnesota Campus, and one year as a good friend reminded us, he won the Grand National Trap Shoot.